Face Training

Face Training

While working on that summer body, one typically relies on sessions with a trainer, home workouts, and a well-balanced diet, right? The same philosophy applies when getting your skin into shape. You can’t expect lasting results from one trip to the gym, just as you shouldn’t anticipate lasting results from one professional treatment. Training your face is just like training your body – a commitment to seek professional assistance and develop healthier habits is essential.

What’s great about-face training is you are truly given the tools to succeed when you’re open to guidance. Customized treatment plans, self-care regimens, and lifestyle shifts can be established between you and your DBH Aesthetician to transform your complexion. Healing and repairing your skin from the inside is equally as important as topical methods, so plan on increasing water intake, decreasing alcohol consumption, refraining from smoking (or being exposed to it), and monitoring your diet to eliminate foods that exacerbate your skin concerns.

What does a customized treatment plan look like? Typically, it would include 6 advanced exfoliating/resurfacing treatments, 2 weeks apart, to address your skin concern quickly. This promotes cellular turnover, which speeds up the natural cycle to unveil healthy, youthful skin cells that improve your overall complexion. You can also expect a self-care regimen to include 3 – 6 products for daily use to maintain and supplement those treatments. Your diet and lifestyle should also be addressed to ensure a holistic approach is observed for optimal results.

Examples of common exfoliating/resurfacing techniques administered by an Aesthetician can be found below:

To improve the efficacy of your prescribed treatments, a healthy self-care regimen will be required. This will provide lasting results and treat your skin concerns between appointments with your DBH Aesthetician. Basic features and benefits to skincare products can be found below:

Committing to treat your skin and fitness goals as equals will truly provide you with lasting results within a digestible timeframe. Your DBH Aesthetician can create the perfect treatment plan and self-care regimen to target your skin concerns and breathe new life into your skin, so schedule that clinical facial today to begin your face training! Remember, great skin doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by appointment!




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